Summer Towers in Full Production

My summer Tower Gardens are now in full production mode. I’m growing summer squash, cucumbers, chard, okra, kale, collard greens, lettuce, herbs and more. This year, I setup one tower just for flowers. My artist daughter, Katie, has also been painting the Tower Gardens to give them an artistic flair before the plants fill in.

Vertical Gardens

One Tree Gardens specializes in Vertical Gardens which are designed to maximize small spaces with a variety of plants producing high crop yields. We think of it as gardens all grown up. For the home gardener, we offer the Tower Garden as well as Tower Garden Workshops to help you get started with your own Vertical Garden.

For commercial and urban farms, we can help with the planning, design and construction of your commercial or roof top food farm.

It’s time for change. The future of food is becoming more and more important. Today, we all want more control of where our food is coming from. From Tower to table, what’s better than growing your own? We believe that real change happens one at a time, one person, one family, one business, one garden, one tree at a time.